Cats have a pretty strong homebody vibe, as evidenced by their decidedly territorial natures. The truth is, though, cats dislike feeling left out, especially if it means that they stay home alone. There are some incredible pioneering cat owners around the world that don’t allow for any breaks between fun times with their cats. It’s cat adventures all the time! If this sounds like it might work for you and your fluffy friend, get ready to take your cat with you anywhere you want to go. 

Read the Room

Not every cat is destined for long afternoons in their catio. Some fearlessly embrace the open road and outdoor excursions. Whether paddle-boarding, hiking, or general exploration sounds appealing, be sure that your cat is truly interested in being your adventure sidekick. 

Once you’re confident that your cat wants to break free of the confines of their house and yard, it’s time to prioritize the following:

  • Crate training. One of the best ways to ensure your cat feels safe, secure, and protected from whatever you have in store is to crate train them. This skill also comes in handy during emergencies and evacuations. When your cat has a place solely for their own comfort and warmth, they’re likely to use it.
  • Parasite prevention. For the adventures that take place outdoors, bugs are bound to follow. Ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas are the common culprits and simply cannot be underestimated. 
  • Up to date vaccinations. Traveling out of state or internationally comes with a healthy dose of scrutiny. Your cat must be fully vaccinated to protect themselves and others from contagious diseases. Having proof is essential. 
  • Microchip. Your cat may be able to respond to your voice, but what happens if they become separated while away from home? A collar with ID tags is also critical when you take your cat with you away from home. 
  • Behavior. Any red flags about your cat’s behavior should be addressed long before plans are finalized. When you travel with your cat, always observe their body language closely and intervene when necessary.

Take Your Cat With You

It’s possible that your cat goes with the flow and simply soaks up every adventure you present to them. It’s also likely that they need time to acclimate. No matter what, you must take all the cues from your cat, and make every accommodation for their health, happiness, and safety. 

Over time, they may be roaring to jump in the car, or beg to be attached to the leash for a walk about town. Whatever your kitty’s pleasure, be sure they are secure in and confident with the situation. 

If you have questions or concerns about whether or not you should take your cat with you to work, camping, or on vacation, Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital has you covered. Our team can’t wait to hear about your plans!