This past year has been a great one, full of all sorts of fun and memories. If you are anything like the team at Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital, many of those good times probably have included your pets in some form or another.

Helping you to understand and enjoy your pet is a big part of what we do here, and it makes sense that some of the best online content when it comes to caring for them would be found on our website. In case you missed out this year, we wanted to share our top 5 pet blogs of 2019.

Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital’s Top 5 Pet Blogs of 2019

5. Bundles of Joy: The Principles of Puppy and Kitten Wellness
Bringing home a sweet and snuggly new puppy or kitten is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Getting to know your new pet and developing that special bond fills your days and nights and makes the more tedious tasks of house training and pet-proofing more bearable. Read on!

4. A No-Go: The Dangers of Retractable Leashes 
Leashes vary in size, length, material and design, and there are an almost overwhelming amount of choices available. Unless you’re living on the moon, you’ve likely seen retractable leashes too. They can seem convenient and flexible, but before you buy one, consider the dangers of retractable leashes. Keep reading…

3. Keeping Calm: Managing Pet Anxiety
Summertime can be a wonderful opportunity to slow down, enjoy friends and family gatherings, and revel in summer festivities. But for our pets, summer may be an anxiety inducing time. Fireworks, parties, and thunderstorms can all leave your pet shaking with fear. Read more…

2. Halloween Pet Safety
Halloween can be a festive and fun time for adults and kids alike. But for pets? Let’s face it, Halloween can be a nightmare for our furry friends. Although some pets are Halloween pros, it’s still wise to be cautious about how, when, and where you expose them to the festivities. Read on!

1. Senior Pet Health: Taking Great Care of Your Golden Oldie
If you’ve noticed a little grey around your fur-baby’s muzzle, you may have a senior pet. According to the AVMA, as a result of better pet nutrition and access to advanced veterinary care, pets are living longer lives. This means that our beloved companions can be seniors for longer portions of their lives. Keep reading…

When you reflect back on the year past, we hope that your pet features prominently in your fond recollections. We also hope that as the year 2020 unfolds you will continue to rely on us and contact us for all of the latest and best information when it comes to your furry family.