If your pet’s grooming habits start to get a little obsessive, it could mean that they’re allergic to something. Other signs of pet allergies can include a visible rash on the skin, leading to unnecessary worries of possible skin disorders. It is important to have them checked out promptly, as misidentification or lack of treatment can result in serious health risks. Triggers and symptoms of pet allergies are on the rise this time or year, and we can help you prevent many of the problems they cause.

A Close Look 

Issues affecting a pet’s skin can be so distracting that owners rush to schedule wellness appointments. That’s a good move. Pet allergies cause symptoms that range from mildly annoying to terribly painful. As such, it’s worthwhile to stay in front of developing reactions and seek treatment early on.

Our wellness plans are designed to help owners stay ahead of any health conditions, including allergies and skin disorders. 

A Look At Seasonal Causes

Seasonal allergies are caused by airborne triggers like pollen or dust. Inhaled by pets, these triggers can cause watery eyes and sneezing, but primary reactions include itchy and inflamed skin. Atopic dermatitis can develop and lead to secondary skin and ear infections

Additionally, direct skin exposure to seasonal triggers can cause pet allergies. Grass, ragweed, and other plants can cause itchy, rashy skin. Known as contact allergies, pets can also suffer from contact with fabrics or textiles, chemicals, and more. 

Inglorious Fleas

There are many reasons not to lapse on your pet’s year-round parasite prevention medication, and flea allergy dermatitis is one of them. This spring, as everything wakes up and multiplies, be sure that your pet is protected. Flea allergy dermatitis is an immunologic disease caused by antigens found in flea saliva.

Skin inflammation, fur loss, and sores are common reactions and can be entirely prevented through parasite control.

What’s Really Going On?

Histamines are the body’s overreaction to allergens. Untreated, pet allergies can lead to a variety of secondary problems. 

First, it’s critical to remove the known or suspected allergen. This can greatly reduce symptoms, but it might not totally solve the problem. Depending on what’s causing pet allergies, we can treat them with certain medications, including antifungals or antibiotics to treat secondary skin infections caused by obsessive scratching or licking.

Intradermal skin testing is effective at identifying allergens. By injecting small amounts of possible triggers into the superficial layers of the skin, our team can determine what’s causing an allergic response. Once we know what’s causing the reaction, we can help your pet with medication or desensitization. 

Chronic Pet Allergies

Some pets are simply genetically predisposed to allergies or live where the allergens are continuous. However, many pets respond well to treatment and improve after allergens are removed.

If you have further questions about pet allergies, please give us a call at (916) 726-2334. We’re always happy to help you and your pet at Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital