Do you hear that? It’s the collective sound of pencils hitting paper (or the tap tap of typing) as we all write down our new year’s resolutions. Ringing in the new year with a list of things we’d like to improve is a time honored tradition. And whether it’s eating better, being more mindful, or quitting a bad habit, there is no shortage of things we can do to improve. 

Pets can also benefit from some basic adjustments to their lifestyle, aimed at improving health and happiness. That’s why this year, we’ve compiled a list of New Year’s Resolutions for pets that can help you both live your healthiest lives. 

New Year’s Resolutions For Pets

Keep those pearly whites clean. Daily brushing may seem daunting, but it’s not that hard, really. And, after a professional dental cleaning, it is the best way to prevent dental disease, a problem that shortens life expectancy and affects 85% of pets over the age of 4. 

Feed the highest quality diet you can. Pets, like people, thrive on quality food. That’s not to say you have to break the bank. Talk to us about your pet’s individual nutritional needs, and we can help point you in the right direction. Quantity is also important, so make sure you know your pet’s caloric requirements and stick to them to prevent obesity. 

Play more. To feel their best, pets need daily exercise. And although the weather may be frightful right now, try and commit to a daily walk, hike, or an indoor play session with your pet. Play and exercise for your pet translates to the same for you, and can greatly benefit you both. 

Go for a grooming session daily. Good grooming habits are just that – habits. The more you groom your pet daily, the easier it falls into your normal routine. Aside from helping your pet feel good by removing dead hair, dirt, and debris, you get to spend some quality time with your pet. Another bonus: you’ll likely notice things that are amiss (like a new lump, or weight loss) faster, and can bring your pet in for care more quickly.

Protect your pet year round. Protecting your pet from fleas, ticks, and heartworms isn’t just for the summer months. Administering flea, tick, and heartworm prevention 12 months of the year is the only way to guarantee that your pet remains free from diseases and parasite infestation. 

Keep up with your appointments. Pets are masters at hiding signs of disease and illness. Problems can be detected by observing any changes in behavior and appearance as well as their eating and activity. Regular wellness exams also help us to detect signs of disease early, which means optimum outcomes for your pet. Schedule your pet’s annual or biannual wellness exam today. 

Stay current on vaccinations. Keeping your pet up to date on immunizations is a powerful way to protect her from infectious diseases. Contrary to popular belief, infectious diseases are well and strong in the environment, and so talk to your veterinarian about a vaccine schedule tailored to your pet’s age, breed, and lifestyle. 

Learn something new. There’s nothing better than keeping things fresh with learning. So take this new year opportunity to teach your pet something new. This could be basic obedience, search or nose work, agility, a new trick, or even teaching your cat to walk on a leash. The possibilities are endless! 

Give back. The basics of pet care are important but don’t forget the reason that you adopted your pet – to spend time together! To that end, there are endless ways to give back to the community with your pet. Visit a hospital together and spread some love. Take your dog to the local library and let kids read to her. Or volunteer for pets in need by working at the local animal shelter, adopting a homeless pet,  or taking a foster pet into your home. 

Happy New Year! 

New year’s resolutions for pets are a great way to reconnect with your pet and with what’s important to keeping them healthy and well. What are your favorites? If you need any assistance or have questions, please let Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital know. And from our family to yours, Happy New Year!