You really haven’t lived until you’ve lived with a cat. Brimming with playfulness and curiosity, cats can be endlessly entertaining, and they handle their own bathroom needs indoors! At the same time, cats can also have relatively quiet temperaments and enjoy napping on their own for long periods of time. If you don’t already have your own clowder of felines at home, perhaps it’s time to adopt a cat!

A Month-Long Frenzy

Adopt-a-Cat Month is celebrated every June as a way to reduce the high numbers of new kittens entering the shelter system. Each spring, shelters, foster families, and other animal rescue organizations are inundated with new arrivals during “kitten season.” By encouraging prospective owners to open their hearts and homes to these animals, everyone benefits.

Not Just One

When you adopt a cat from a shelter, you’re forever changing the life of your new pet. You’re also making a positive impact on the community at large. By providing excellent care at home and spaying/neutering your pet, you free up space for other homeless, adoptable animals.

Not Just Kittens

While the abundance of fluffy kittens is what drives Adopt-a-Cat Month, you’re definitely not limited to kitten adoption. In fact, many shelters waive their adoption fees for cats over the age of three to help facilitate an easier, quicker adoption. Older cats are just as sweet, and they’re typically more calm. They’re already litter trained and don’t require much assistance establishing a new routine.

Key Preparations

If you’ve never owned a cat before, you may have to work a little extra in order to make sure all their needs are being met. Most adoptable cats are fully vaccinated, spayed/neutered, have current parasite prevention, and are even microchipped. However, in addition to basic pet supplies (bedding, litter, food, toys, etc.), some upfront costs may be necessary.

We recommend having your new cat examined soon after you bring them home. This helps us create a lifelong foundation for health and wellness. Remember, cats should be seen once a year until they’re about 7 years old. At that point, twice annual exams may be needed to monitor age-related health issues.

Adopt a Cat – It’s Good for You!

If you need more reasons to adopt a cat, consider your own health and happiness. Research proves that sharing your home with a loving cat can actually lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase the production of endorphins.  

The team at Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital is always here if you have any questions or concerns. Please let us know if the time is right for you to adopt a cat (we hope so!).