cuddling with dog.

Nothing says 4th of July quite like a heart-pounding display of fireworks. And while most people enjoy the sights and sounds of a festive celebration, loud, unfamiliar noises can trigger pet anxiety for many cats and dogs. To help calm your cats and keep your canines cool this Independence Day, our experienced team at Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital has some July 4th pet safety strategies you might like to try. 

Simple Ways to Help Comfort Pets During Fireworks/Loud Noises

Loud noises like fireworks and thunderstorms can trigger pet anxiety, and while we can’t control Mother Nature or the schedule of neighborhood fireworks displays, there are simple strategies that can comfort pets during fireworks/loud noises, including the following:

  • Thundershirts made for cats and dogs control pet anxiety by providing pressure-based comfort. 
  • FELIWAY (for cats) and ADAPTIL (for dogs) are pheromone diffusers that help keep anxious pets calm by emitting a safe chemical that mimics natural pheromones. 
  • Ask your veterinarian about prescription medications or calming pet treats if your cat or dog is particularly prone to pet anxiety
  • Create a safe haven in a quiet room where your pet can go to escape the noise and relax. 
  • Consider asking a friend or family member to stay with your pet if you won’t be home during fireworks.
  • Close windows and draw blinds to muffle the fireworks sounds and protect your pet from bright flashes of light.
  • Play soft, classical music, use a white noise machine, or leave a TV on to help mask the sounds of fireworks.
  • Interact with your pets in a gentle, comforting way, or leave them alone in their safe haven when they’re frightened—whatever your pets prefer. 

Escape-Proofing Your Home

Besides finding ways to help comfort pets during fireworks/loud noises, it’s also important to remember that scared pets are more likely to run away or attempt an escape. Make these escape-proofing strategies part of your July 4th pet safety plan:

  • Is your home party central? Then escape-proofing the exits is key. Keep a close watch on exterior doors as guests come and go, and don’t leave doors propped open. The safest place for your pet is in a separate room with the door closed during summer gatherings. 
  • Because even the best escape-proofing efforts aren’t always foolproof, microchip your pet, and keep all your information up to date.
  • Look ahead at fireworks schedules in your area. Keep indoor-outdoor cats inside so they don’t become frightened and run away, and don’t walk your dog after dark on nights when fireworks are planned. 

Contact Us for More July 4th Pet Safety Precautions

Call us at (916) 726-2334 if you’d like more ways to comfort pets during fireworks/loud noises or if it’s time for your pet’s checkup. With a little preplanning and July 4th pet safety strategies, summertime can be a fun time for you and your pets.