Thanks to the internet, we have infinite information at our fingertips. Unfortunately, not all of it is correct. Sure, people were misleading others long before the world wide web, but it’s hard to argue against the fact that it happens online everyday. Pet ownership is one such topic that gets endless clicks and shares, so it’s important to get it right every time. There are loads of misconceptions circulating out there about pet behavior, but not on our watch! Join us as we debunk the top 10 pet myths.

Feline Fallacies

Myth #1: Cats always land on their feet. They are amazingly acrobatic animals fully equipped with a highly flexible spine and a “righting reflex” located inside the ears. This helps them correct their positioning in a fall to increase the odds of landing on their feet. A poor landing can definitely land a cat in the ER for broken bones and more. 

Myth #2: Cats prefer their own company. Just because they can hunt alone (not in packs, like canine ancestors), and sleep in solitary conditions, doesn’t mean cats don’t have profound social needs. Don’t make the mistake of allowing your cat to spend an inordinate amount of time all by himself. 

Myth #3: Cats hate water. They did evolve in the desert, but that doesn’t mean all felines detest water. Many breeds, like Maine Coons, can swim and loads of pet cats have been found hanging around the sink or bathtub. Keep in mind that a sudden fixation with water can be connected to an underlying condition, however, so always pay attention to your pet’s behavior. 

Myth #4: Cats don’t need wellness visits. One of the most unfortunate pet myths, this is absolutely false. Cats not only require routine veterinary care, but they benefit from exams, disease prevention, lab work, nutritional consultations, and early detection of illness. 

Myth #5: Cats can’t learn tricks. Nope! Cats can learn all sorts of things, from leash training to agility. You can even toilet train them!

Canine Fictions

Myth #6: Some dogs are hypoallergenic. Some dogs shed less, and in turn, unleash less dander into their environment. Most human allergies to dogs, however, are linked to a protein found in the saliva and urine that sticks to the fur.

Myth #7: All dogs are colorblind. They may not experience the same visual color spectrum that humans do, but they can see gradations of blue, yellow, and green.

Myth #8: Dogs don’t need parasite prevention in the winter. Between the weather and the hardy life cycles of parasites like fleas and ticks, parasite prevention remains a year-round priority. 

Myth #9: A dry nose is a bad sign. Indeed, a wet nose is widely accepted as a sign of robust health. But a dry nose doesn’t necessarily indicate the opposite. If your dog ever displays a dry, chapped nose, it could be worthwhile to question their hydration levels. But if they are otherwise behaving normally, a dry nose doesn’t signal illness. 

Myth #10: Dogs are 7 times their chronological age. This isn’t entirely false, but it’s one of those pet myths that deserves some fine tuning. It depends on the breed, their lifestyles, and medical history. Large dogs tend to have shorter lifespans than small breeds. We’ll be happy to tell you how old your dog is next time they come in!

Pet Myths

Our team at Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital are always happy to give you the truth about pet care and ownership. Please call us at (916) 726-2334 with any questions about your unique pet.