How to Deal with Your Pet’s Fear of the Vet.

Veterinary offices are filled with unusual sights, sounds, smells, and people. It’s no surprise that all these new sensations can cause stress at veterinary visits. At Sunrise Boulevard Animal Hospital, we want our animal friends to live their healthiest lives and stay up to date with their medical care. To take some of the bite out of vet appointments, our team has put together some tips for calming pets at the vet.

Pre-Appointment Preparation

While completely overcoming stress at veterinary visits may not be possible (after all, doctor visits can cause us stress, too), there are things you can do ahead of time to tame vet visit anxiety and keep your pet as comfortable as possible. 

  • Exercise: Plenty of playtime or other physical activity before your pet’s appointment is a great stress-reducer and can help with cat anxiety at the vet or dog fear of the vet.
  • Get your pet accustomed to touch: During every cuddle session, practice handling your pet like a vet. Touch your pet’s paws, ears, mouth, tummy, and tail to get them used to being handled. 
  • Get social: Pop in with your pet to say hi, and we’ll shower your pet with plenty of praise and encouragement. 
  • Keep mealtime light: Full stomachs are more prone to motion sickness, so offer a light meal only on the day of your pet’s visit. Plus, a slightly empty tummy will make a cat or dog easier to motivate with yummy treats for good behavior.

How To Comfort Pets at the Vet

Once it’s time for your pet’s visit, practice these strategies for calming pets at the vet:

  • When making your pet’s appointment, request a specific vet if your pet has responded positively in the past. 
  • Keep time in the waiting room to a minimum. Ask to wait in your car until an exam room becomes available. Or request an early morning appointment when the waiting room is less crowded.
  • Use calming pheromone sprays in the pet carrier and/or car. 
  • Keep your pet’s favorite treats handy and provide praise for calm behavior.

Vet Visit Anxiety Can Affect People, Too

Cat anxiety at the vet or dog fear of the vet can be amplified if you’re anxious, too. When looking for ways to mitigate pet fear of the vet, don’t forget to prepare yourself for your pet’s appointment! Get plenty of rest the night before, eat properly, and plan ahead so you’re not rushed. 

Ask for Medical Help

When pets are overly fearful, performing a thorough examination can be challenging. Extremely anxious pets may benefit from a mild sedative. 

Your pet’s health is extremely important. Our team is here to help you find more ways to reduce vet visit anxiety. Contact us at (916) 726-2334 if you’d like more tips on how to comfort pets during their visit.