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A Note About COVID-19

Due to concerns about the threat of COVID-19, our hospital is taking additional precautionary measures to keep our staff, doctors, animals, and clients safe. As we are sure you are aware, the situation in Citrus heights, CA is changing on a daily basis. Until further notice we will be implementing Curbside Concierge Care Service for all your veterinary needs. This is a strategy being put into effect at many animal hospitals nationwide.

As of this time, we are an essential service and will remain open for essential veterinary care for sick pets and emergency services. All elective procedures, general wellness exams, and non-essential services will be post-poned.

Due to increasing concern for the safety of our staff, we ask that you give us a call upon arrival. Please remain inside your vehicle with your pet, a staff member will meet you outside. If you would like to wait in your car, the technician will take your pet inside. When the evaluation is complete, we will discuss any findings and recommendations with you by phone as well as take payment over the phone. Please have all cats in carriers. We will use one of our hospital leashes for all dogs. Per the CDC’s recommendation, please maintain a 6-foot distance from others. If an exception needs to be made, please call ahead to discuss it with our team.

We will be available for Curbside Prescription medication and food pickup and ask that you call ahead to prepay. Please call once you arrive. A staff member will deliver the medication or food to you.

Please be assured, within our hospital, we are conducting frequent cleanings and using appropriate disinfectants to help protect our hospital environment. Our clinicians and staff continue to practice safe hand hygiene, with clinical teams also wearing personal protective equipment as warranted. We are paying increased attention to social distancing and ask that you do the same during your visit.

Our goal is to continue to provide full-service veterinary care to your beloved pets while keeping everyone as safe as possible. As of now, we are closing 30 minutes early to allow for a more thorough cleaning in the evening. As always, we will update you should anything else change. It is important that our team stay healthy, that we do what we can to limit the spread of disease, and that we do our part in “flattening the curve” in our community. We thank for your support and understanding during these difficult times.
